Animal Info

Basic Animal Info

This information is used in various parts of the application.


Used to keep track of the reptiles age.

Birthdate Type

Select whether the birthday is "Exact" or "Estimated". It will appear next to the birthday on the Reptile Dashboard


Used to help filter mating and other gender related events.
IE: If you add a "Mating Event" for a male, only Females & Unknown gender reptiles will show under the list for mates.


Set the initial Length for the reptile you are adding/cloning.


Set the initial Weight for the reptile you are adding/cloning.

Length & Weight can only be changed on this page when you add or clone a reptile. Once you create the reptile, you have to log a Weight or Length event.



Species Info

This information is used mainly for your records (and will appear on Cage Cards which are a planned feature in the future).

Common Name

Common name of the species (Ball Python, Green Mamba, etc).

Scientific Name

Scientific name of the species (Python regius, Naja kaouthia etc).


(No, Mildly, Venomous) Mildly is intended for Rear-Fanged snakes that typically are not a danger to humans like Hognoses or False Water Cobras. In a future update this will display a caution icon on the Homepage & Dashboard as well as the Cage Cards.


Enter the Morph or Locality of the reptile here.

Temperature Range

Enter the ideal temperature range here.

Humidity Range

Enter the ideal humidity range here.



License Info

If your reptile has a license or microchip, you can enter the information here for your records.


Enter the License number here.


Enter the Microchip number here.