User Interface

SnekLog's User Interface is broken down into 3 main parts which are commonly referred to throughout the documentation.

Content Area

The Content Area (or the Main Area) is where most of the work is done and it works exactly like any other web page.



Quick Links

The Quick Links bar is on the left side of the screen and it is populated with the most commonly used functions on each page. For example, on the Homepage it is where you will find your filters for Reptile Categories & Cages but on the Reptile Dashboard it has a button for "Quick Feed" so you can feed your reptile with 1 click.




The Sidebar is accessed by clicking the :fa-bars: icon in the upper left hand corner. The Sidebar is home to somewhat less commonly used functions like User Settings. Just like the Quick Links bar, the Sidebar also dynamically updates based on the page you are on with functions that are tied to directly to that page like deleting a Reptile or managing a specific reptile photos.

The Sidebar will also have tips and supplemental information for each page so be sure to check it if you are using the page for the first time.